Remade in Italy® is a product certification and the first accredited recycle certification scheme in Italy. it allows to declare the content of recycled material (also including by-products) of any product or material of any supply chain.
Remade in Italy® complies with the requirements for the admissibility of environmental certifications in public tenders, pursuant to the Procurement Code (Legislative Decree 50/2016), and it is provided for in the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM, Criteri minimi ambientali) which are made mandatory by the same Code.
What are the benefits of certification?

  • Compliance of the material / product with CAM (Green Procurement), incentives and tax relief (eg plastic tax) for certified products.
  • It is also useful for obtaining incentives (eg Superbonus 110%).
  • Accredia certified body is an institutional entity that checks the professionalism, competence and specific training of the bodies and auditors who carry out the checks
  • Comparability: thanks to the rating system on the label it is possible to immediately enhance the content of recycling materials.
  • Credibility: thanks to the verification and validation by an independent accredited body, which guarantees the truthfulness of the information on the percentage of recycling materials in the products.
  • Recognition: Remade in Italy® certification is recognized by CONSIP and it can be used to demonstrate the percentage of recycled material in products, in public administration tenders.

Who can request it & How to get it
The certification can be required by all companies, in any sector, producers of materials or products, which procure or are part of the recycling chain, remembering that the by-products are also part of it.
Remade in Italy® certification is accredited, therefore, open to the market: checks are carried out by a third-body that has been authorized to issue it.
It is necessary to respect and implement rules and procedures aimed at guaranteeing:

  • The traceability of raw materials and flows in the production process
  • Constant monitoring of suppliers
  • Classification of incoming materials
  • Maximum transparency on the relevant documentation on each element to prove the correctness of the steps and care in the process


  • Verification of requirements
  • Audit (in person or remotely)
  • Activity scheduling
  • Support in the certification process
  • Maintenance of the certification